For City Council, District 2

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Our Campaign

We are motivated by the need for a Santa Maria that prioritizes everyday residents.

A Santa Maria where we are free of unnecessary burdens. One where none of us are priced out of living here. One where we cannot only afford basic needs, but we can also afford a full life–food, housing, health, education, and recreation.

We believe in a socially vibrant Santa Maria where we live in community with our neighbors. Where we accept and embrace our neighbors as they are. Where we are all comfortable in our shared spaces and our children are safe play outside. A place we all can feel proud to call home.

Our campaign is rooted in the belief that Santa Maria is a space for community, not for big business to profit off of local labor. That anyone can afford to make this their home, regardless of means. That we are inclusive, where everyone is welcome and valued. Where we believe in each other and are there for each other.

We believe a better Santa Maria is possible.

Vote Early on Oct. 7th

Mail-in ballots begin arriving October 7th. Ensure you're registered to vote!

Support Our Campaign

A Better Santa Maria is Possible

Paid for by: Benjamin Ortiz for City Council 2024 | FPPC ID: #1469668
237 Town Center West #122 Santa Maria, CA 93458